
  • allow computations to be parallelized over a cluster
  • basic map-reduce
  • the map_recue framework plans map tasks to be run on the correct partitions and shuffle data for the reduce function
  • Map:
    • Apply a function to each data over a portion of data in parallel

map (mapping data to cpu (workers))

Lambda function:

lambda x :  x + 2
Check the number of partitions
rdd. getNumPartitions()
sc.textFile("file", number of partitions)
sc.parallize(list/array, numbner of partitions)
  • Perform functions against each element in an RDD and return a new RDD
    • Construct a new RDD from existing RDD
      • Doesn’t change the original RDD
    • changing the data structure to sth new RDD
    • Narrow Transformation:
      • Transform data without any shuffles( only interact with each partitions )
    • Wide Transformation:
      • when the operations may require data shuffling(look through the whole partitions )
  • lazy evaluation operations are evaluated when an action is requested
    • track how many transformations happen


- Trigger a computation and return a value to the Spark driver 
- Aggregate (zeroValue, seqOp, combOp)
- fold

Paire RDDs:

  • key value pairs commonly used for many operations including aggtegations, ETL(Extract, transform and upload) in Spark
  • Allow operations on each key in parallel or regroup data across the network such as reduceBykey(), etc

Create pair RDD, map (lambda x: x.split(’,’)) => RDD key: could be a simple object(integer , string, etc. ) to complex objects (tuple, etc.) Value: could be a simple objects to data structures (lists, tuples, dictionarier, set, etc . )


map(lambda X: [ int(x[0],x[1])])

Operations in Pair RDDs:

  • Transformations;
    • keyes() — return an RDD of just the keys
    • values() - return an RDD of just the values
    • sortByKey() - return an RDD sorted by the key
    • groupbykey()
      • group data use the key
      • Return an RDD of (key, Resultlterable) pairs —shuffle
    • MapValues(func)
      • Pass each value in the key value pair RDD through a map function without changing the keys
      • Retain the original RDD’s partitioning
    • flattern key and value
      • flatMapValues (func) — shuffle

      • flat each key value pair RDD through a flatmap function without changing the keys

      • Retain the originial RDD’s partitioning

      • Reduce(lambda: x, y : x+y) —shuffle

    • sortBy() -shuffle the data
    • reduceby() will always faster than groupby() because it doesn’t require reshuffle
  • Actions:
    • countByKey()
      • Count the number of elements for each key
    • lookup(key)