Naive Bayes
Notes and Ideas:
- Text classification
- naive bayes is easy because we make a very strong(and wrong) assumption.
- Ex.
- Basic spam classifier:
- use proportion of spam from training set as prediction
- P(spam|X) where X is our features from our emails -> logistic regression
- prior information ( training set )
- Basic spam classifier:
Bayes Theorem
Example: From the prior information: we would have the Truepositive rate (sensitivity) = 0.85 = P(+ | D(true)). P(- | D(true)) = 0.15
P(- | D(false)) = 0.1, P(+ | D(false)) = 0.1 P(D) = 0.0001 Goal: find P(D | +): test positive and the true prior information:
Link to original= - x = [
Bernoulli method:
- each features