

Random Variable

Random Variable



is a function from to a real value

  • Projecting the outcome to the space
  • X represents all the outcomes from an experiment
  • If outcomes in S are numerical, then keep X how they are (roll dice : 1,2,3,4,5,6…)
  • if outcomes are categorical, then we want to assign some numbers to the outcomes. (coding : encoding )
  • Type of random variables (Data)

A Function X( ) assign one and only one real number to each outcome of an outer space

Probability Density Funciton and cumulative distribution function(CDF)

Link to original

Discrete :

  1. Numerically Discrete: outcome of rolling dice.
  2. Binary: outcomes Yes or no.
  3. Categorical: outcomes mutually exclusive categories.
  4. Ordinal*: categorical data that admits a natural numerical order.

Continuous Probability Continuous : outcomes that maps naturally on a real number line

Probability Function

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