Simple Linear Regression

Notes and Ideas:

Model Setup: True Model:

  • : observed value of the response variable Y of the observation
  • : observed value of the independent variable x of the observation
  • n: sample size
  • and : unknown fixed coeffcient parameters — constant
  • : Random Error term -cosntant

simple: only one explanatory variable

Linear: linear in the parameters

The slope is denoted by and the interecpt by

note: linear: is linear to parameter and

Linear vs Non Linear

Example for linear equation:

House Price = Intercept + Coefficient * Square Footage

Example for non-linear equation:

Population Growth = A * Time^B

In both examples, linear regression assumes a straight-line relationship between variables, while nonlinear regression introduces more complex equations that capture nonlinear patterns
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Model Assumption:

  • is Random error term:
    • Estimation Assumptions:
      • E()=0
      • Var() = , for all i. (The errors have constant variance) unknown fixed parameter
      • Cov(,) = 0. (no correlation between errors for each observations, The errors are independent of each other)
      • Classic Assumption(Model Inference): ^The errors are normally distributed.
  • is also a fixed value affect to
    • =
    • -> estimate

Model Estimation:


MLE Approach:

Ordinary Least Square Estimate(OLSE)

find that minimize the sum of squared errors:


Important :


Example 1.1 Continued - Coffee Sales and Shelf Space For the coffee data, we observe the following summary statistics in Table 2. Table 2: Summary Calculations - Coffee sales data From this, we obtain the following sums of squares and crossproducts.

From these, we obtain the least squares estimate of the true linear regression relation .

Gauss-Markov Theorm:

OLSE is the Best Linear Unbiased Estimators of :

  • Linear: and are linear combinations of .
  • Best: OLSE has the smallest variance among all the linear estimators of and


from OLSE we got:

=> =>


(i) (ii) (iii) Thus we have

for variance

From OLSE we got:

-(a) since

Thus we plug back to (a)

For variance of :

The key assumptions (conditions) that need to be satisfied for the Gauss-Markov theorem to hold:

  1. Linearity in Parameters: The regression model is linear in parameters. In the context of a simple linear regression, this can be represented as , where is the dependent variable, is the independent variable, and is the error term.
  2. Random Sampling: The data (observations) are obtained using a random sampling process.
  3. No Perfect Collinearity: For the multiple regression case, no independent variable is a perfect linear function of other explanatory variables. In simple linear regression, this is trivially satisfied since there’s only one independent variable.
  4. Zero Conditional Mean: The expected value of the error term, given the independent variable(s), is zero. Mathematically, this is represented as . This implies that any variation in the error term is not systematically related to the independent variable(s).
  5. Homoscedasticity: The variance of the error term is constant across all values of the independent variable(s). Formally, . This means that the spread of the residuals remains constant as the value of the independent variable(s) changes.

Fitted Value:

is the fitted value and is from the sample

  • is an unbiased estimation of
  • When talking about is an “estimation” of , we are talking about the distribution of the biased/error/residual =


  • mean out of sample prediction
  • (1) is an estinate of unbiased. Hint:
  • (2) when is an “prediction” / “Estimation” of , we are talking about the sampling distribution of




Notes and Ideas:


  • Residuals in a statistical or machine learning model are the differences between observed and predicted values of data. They are a diagnostic measure used when assessing the quality of a model. They are also known as errors
  • is an estimation of =0 . unbiased
  • Note:
    1. is an unbiased estimator of
    2. Sampling distribution of :
      • Normally distributed

Out of Sample Error: given (new data)

properties: Sampling distribution of :

  • Normally Distribution

Use :

  • Residuals are importatant when determining the quality of a model. We can examine residuals in terms of their mahnitude and/ or whether they form a parttern
  • Where the residuals are all 0, the model predicts perfectly. THe further residuals are from 0, the less accurate the model. In the case of Linear Regression, the greater the sum of squared residucals, the smaller the r-squared tatistic, all else being equal
  • Where the average residual is not 0, it implies that the model is systematically biased(i.e., consistently over-or under-predicting)

Residual plot:

  • In the case of simple linear regression (regression with 1 predictor), we set the predictor as the x-axis and the residual as the y-axis
  • In the case of multiple linear regression (regression with >1 predictor), we set the fitted value as the x-axis and the residual as the y-axis

Residcual function:


  1. mean of the residuals should be 0
  2. Variance of e
  3. Non-independence, Scine
  4. is normally distributed
  5. For simple linear regression(2D):



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Idea: for :

a sample from

Calculate SSE


(with )

Thus we have:

Mean Square Error(MSE): MSE is an unbiased estimate of .


Testing for : Testing for feature importance

Test set up:

Rejection Rule : Reject when or -value . IF is rejected, then X is a significance factor of y

Anova and F test in SLR reason:

Hint: in SLR, because sum of error is 0. use

Anova Table


  • => = when When
  • F test and t test are equavilent in SLR -> p-value of F = p-value of t, the test statistic relationship between t-test and F-test in the context of SLR is F test is used to ocmpare a “shorter” model and a “longer model”:

Testing set up:



<=> Reduced Model & Null Model

Full model


SSE-Reduced > SSE-FULL, Adding predictors to a linear regression model will always reduces SSE. RMSE always selects the model with most predictors

Lower values of RMSE indicate a better fit of the model to the data, while higher values indicate a poorer fit. However, by itself, RMSE doesn’t tell you whether the model’s predictions are biased. It merely indicates the magnitude of the error.


Coefficient of Determination to measure the goodness of fit of a model.

The proportion of the variation in Y contained


  1. in SLR

Prediction intervals for predictions

let x = point prediction

Estimate “Estimate”

Confidence interval for estimating 1. 2.

Thus we have =>

c. I . for is

Confident Interval for estimation of Bias compare to bias mean =

Prediction Interval for

SEL Model Assumption Diagnosis:
