ACF and PACF plots

ACF plots

Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF)

  • PACF is a component of the Autocorrelation Function (ACF).

  • The Partial Autocorrelation at lag is given by:

    { are fixed})

    This measures the direct correlation between and when the intervening lags are controlled for.


  • Consider indirect correlation through intervening periods as demonstrated in the following example:

    January → Food Festival February March → Food Festival

    There is direct correlation between the Food Festivals of January and March.

Estimating PACF

  • To estimate at lag , consider:

Where is the coefficient from Multiple Regression (MR) that measures how and are related, given all the rest are fixed.

Interpretation of PACF

PACF Plots

  • AR(p) shows cutoff behavior after lag .
  • MA(q) shows tapering off or damping behavior.
  • ARMA(p,q) may show a mix of these behaviors.

Model Selection Criteria


Choose the model with the smallest AIC/BIC value.

Note: Fit the model with all the data to calculate AIC/BIC. No train-test method should be combined here.

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