Ridge Regression( Penalty)
Defination and Ideas:
In ridge Regression, the cost function is altered by adding a penalty equivalent to square of the magnitude of the coefficients:
- equivalent to saying minimizing the cost function in equation under the condition that for some c>0,
The ridge regression puts constraint on the coefficients(
). Then penalty term( ) regularizes the coefficients such that if the coefficients take large values the optimization function is penalized. -
We taking the correlation of the matrix and add constant
1+e & & & \ & 1+e & & \ & & 1+e & \ & & & 1+e \end{matrix}| $$
Issue with Ridge Regression:
While it can have better prediction error than linear regression
it workout best when there was a subset of the true coefficients that are samll or zero.
it will never sets coefficients to zero exactly, and therefore cannot perform variable selection in the linear model
Apply Ridge Regression: R Code:
Python Code: