Study List for Quiz 1: Time Series Analysis

L1 & L2 Topics Covered:

(a) Objectives of Time Series Analysis

  1. Definition: Understand what is meant by time series analysis.
  2. Visualization: How to visualize data measured over time.
  3. Key Components:
    • Trend: Long-term movement in data.
    • Seasonality: Patterns that repeat at regular intervals.
    • Cycles: Long-term oscillations without a fixed period.
    • Noise: The random variation in the series.
  4. Forecasting: Using previous values to predict future ones.

(b) Basic EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)

  1. Time series plot: Understand how to plot data over time.
  2. MA Smoothing (Moving Average):
    • Definition of MA smoothing.
    • Why and how is it used in time series analysis?
  3. Classical Decomposition:
    • Breakdown into Trend, Seasonal, and Residual components.
    • Understand how to interpret the components.

(c) ARIMA Family for Modeling Time Series Data

i. Autocovariance and Autocorrelation

  1. Definitions:
    • Autocovariance: How two points at different times but on the same series covary as the time lag, h, changes.
    • Autocorrelation: The linear dependency or correlation between two points on the same series observed at different times with time lag h.
  2. Importance: Why are these measurements crucial for time series analysis?

ii. (Weakly) Stationary

  1. Definition: Understand what it means for a time series to be (weakly) stationary.
  2. Expected Value Independence: �(��)E(Xt​) is independent of t.
  3. Variance Independence: Var(��Xt​) is independent of t.
  4. Covariance with lag h Independence: �(ℎ)=cov(��+ℎ,��)γ(h)=cov(Xt+h​,Xt​) is independent of t.
  5. Importance: Why stationary time series are easier to model and the significance of modeling stationary series first.

iii. Detecting Stationary Time Series

  1. Time Series Plot: Using visual methods to detect stationarity.

  2. Sample Estimate of ACF (ACF Plot):

    • Understand how to read an ACF plot.
    • Recognize patterns in ACF that suggest stationarity.
  3. Test for Stationarity: ADF Test (Augmented Dickey-Fuller):

    • Understand the basics of the ADF test.
    • How it’s used to determine if a time series is stationary.
  4. Identification:

    • Be able to identify ACF plots for stationary time series.
    • Recognize data with specific patterns suggesting stationarity or non-stationarity.
      1. Trend and Seasonality: Non-stationary time series often exhibit trends or seasonality. For instance, an upward trend would result in a high autocorrelation because values that are close in time would be close in value too. Similarly, if there’s a seasonality (like daily, monthly, or yearly patterns), you’d see spikes at regular intervals in the ACF plot.
  5. Significance Level: It’s not just the existence of spikes in the ACF plot that matters, but whether those spikes are statistically significant. In many ACF plots, a significance boundary (often represented by horizontal dashed lines) is included. Correlations outside of these boundaries are considered statistically significant.

  6. Other Indicators: While the ACF is a useful tool, it’s best used in conjunction with other tests and plots, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test or the KPSS test, to test the stationarity of a time series. Additionally, the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) plot can give insights into the order of autoregression if ARIMA modeling is being considered.

    • dick test:
        • H0​: The time series has a unit root (i.e., it is non-stationary).
    • �1H1​: The time series does not have a unit root (i.e., it is stationary).
    • If the ADF Statistic is less than the critical value at the 5% significance level (often it’s around -2.86, but it can vary based on sample size), and if the p-value is less than 0.05, then we would reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the series is stationary.

In summary, while a “wavy” ACF plot that doesn’t die out quickly suggests non-stationarity, it’s always a good idea to use multiple methods and tests to confirm your observations and decisions about a time series.