Train-Validation-Test sets
a subset of the data used to Fit the model
a subset of the data used to **decide between models **
Test set :
a subset of the data used to estimate error
Train - Test split:
- Most commonly used is the random split:
- Independent events
- Time-based split:
- Stock market
- Split by id
- Multiple observations per person How to select:
- What is the sampling unit
- How are we going to use the model
Grid Search vs. Random Search
Cross validation:
- Leave-one-out:
- k-fold cross-validation:
- Randomize observations
- Divide in k groups(folds) of approximately equal size
- Use one fold for test and the test for training
- repeat k times
- average over all test sets Model selection vs estimating test error
Feature selection during model selection:
scale the training set after the train-test split Feature selection:
Normalizaing data & selecting feature should be done inside the training set
Train and validation in Time Series:
- Consider how does the data collected(etc. pattern every year or month. )
- How much validation we are going to forecast( half cycle or a full cycle )
- Examine the pattern of the data to choose train and validation set
- Train is always the history and the validation is always the future
- Test set is optional, only have a test set if you’re asked to do so
- Split the data into train + test
- use train set to fit all the ARMA(p,q) models with different p and q
- each model will generate forecast on len(test)
- compare RMSE(test,
) of each model. choose the model with smallest RMSE.
note: in TS, everything need to follow a time order. so in term of the cross validation process, it would be different
K-fold: Expending window cross validation
- K(3,5,10)
- thinking about the time take to training, smaller the k take less time
- validation size
- it depend on the study, how long we want to forecast. choose the same validation size same as the final forecast window
- Rolling size:
- Use all the data, most likely the same as the validation size
- Initial training size :
- n-k * validation
try to design size h that rain and validation sets have
we are interested in generalization error :
- expected value of the error on future data
- Estimated by computing error pn a large independent **Test ** set