Examine through plots
Notes and Ideas:
Diagnostics for the predictor X:
Want to check for outlying observations. To do so we want to examine the following plots:
- Dot plot
- Stem and Leaf plot
- Box Plot
- Sequence Plot (if the observations are time ordered)
The following are some of the possible violations of
Regression Function is non linear
Non-constant variance
Error terms not independent
Possibility of Outliers
Non Normal distribution of errors
Omission of some of the important predictors
The following Plots are considered:
- Plot of explanatory and response
- Plot of Residuals against the explanatory variables
(Similar to plot of residuals to predicted) - Plot of Squared or absolute residuals and predicted
- Plot of residuals against time sequence
- Plot of residuals against omitted variables
- Box Plot of Residuals
- Normal probability Plot