Model Validation & Diagnosis Main


Diagnosis : Detection:

For predictor X:

  1. Dot plot
  2. Stem and Leaft plot
  3. Box Plot
  4. Sequence Plot(if the observations are time ordered

Diagnostics for Residulas(): Residulas

Violation of Assumptions:

  1. Regression funciton is non-Linear
  2. Non-cosntant variance
  3. Error terms not independent
  4. Possibility of Outliers
  5. None Normal Distribution of errors
  6. Omissiion of some of the important predictors

Key :

  1. Avoid the variance of the response value is a linear function
    1. we would not know if the relation is from mean or vairance(we should see varaince as a constant for the varaince of the resposne value)
    2. it’s a free for all problem